PP99 Meatless chicken burger, wait…what?!
PP99 漢堡、三明治、義大利麵是素是葷?傻傻分不清楚~
Another one of our favorites, PP99 has a decent size spot on the corner a block off the busy RuiAn street. The first thing to notice is the roomy outdoor seating and quite large indoors as far as restaurants in the area go.
A first look at the menu would suggest a good selection of tasty drinks, small bakery of sweets and what appears to be food of every kind. To a foreigner who doesn’t decipher the Chinese language like it’s their first language, you may overlook the most important point, this is a vegetarian restaurant.
I should start by mentioning this is a good option for vegetarian or not.
The menu is full of styles and flavor to keep anyone’s interest. They follow the general rules of the local Buddhist vegetarian system, cooking without foods like onions and garlic, along with labels to indicate which particular options might contain milk or eggs. You can review the Types of Vegetarians for a refresher course. PP99 has options for the majority of vegetarians. Since I have enjoyed many delicious vegetarian, and non-vegetarian restaurants in the area, I think it’s fair to say PP99 holds its own and they should be around for a while.
The Drinks…
Although my #1 coffee shop position is a tough spot to fill, PP99 is on my go-to list when I need a comfortable place to get a tasty coffee and do some writing. I am a fan of the espresso drink selections, which are up to the standards of the local coffee shops. They also offer a selection of surprisingly tall cold coffee drinks that are very popular. I admit I have not experienced all the types of drinks available on the long menu, but that might take a while. Although, another popular item at my table is the plum soda, a simple mix of Pepsi or coke with a plum powder mixed in and a large plum at the bottom of the drink. I’m not one to bite into plums in my free time, but this drink is a good option to accompany your meal.
I don’t spend a lot of time with the sweets, so I’ll leave most of that up to your imagination. Fortunately, I did get my hands on one of the hot skillet specials. This was a tray of a bread pudding in the hot skillet with a small side of syrup, a large ball of ice cream with cranberry sauce on the side, and a small bowl of fresh fruit not to disappoint. Since I’m not a big fan of most bread in Taiwan, the bread pudding came to a surprise.
The skillet style is a nice touch, keeping the pudding warm and delicious without a hint of overcooking the underside. The pudding was very soft as it should be, slightly crispy at the bread pieces, not too sweet, and as I would say tastes like a bread pudding should. The pudding was very fortunate to be served with the cranberry topped ice cream, which made a great combination. The ice cream is a tasty vanilla with an amazing gooey cranberry sauce poured on top. It definitely had a taste worth remembering, no trace of the crappy stuff from the grocery store that I might have expected.
And the Food…
The menu has a selection of sandwiches of a Panini style, “burgers” or sandwiches with hamburger buns as Taiwan likes to make, and pasta. Most sandwiches are served with a side of decent light, fluffy fries without seasoning and a small side of ketchup. The sandwich selection is what makes the food so interesting.
A look at the “burgers” and sandwiches will list most kinds of meat and sea food you might expect to see in the area, including chicken, pork, fish, and oyster, and labeled with cooking flavors from around the world. But wait, isn’t this a vegetarian restaurant? PP99 seems to enjoy the creation, or mimicking, of other delicious foods using vegetarian ingredients, and they do it well. Before you pass it off as one of those disgusting frozen veggie patties some of us might be too familiar with, the food here doesn’t resemble that in any way, so get that out of your head.
A look at the “beef” patty shown in the picture gives a slight hint of pinkish color and soft shredded meat appearance as you might expect from the real thing, with crispy breading to wrap it up. The “meat” eats like you would expect, maybe a bit softer than a meat patty, but still satisfying to your hunger. As far as I can tell, most of the flavor in the sandwich comes from the extras outside the patty, and that’s more flavor than I can say for most chicken sandwiches or burgers I’ve had.
The Peanut Butter Matsusaka Beef Burger has a strong presence of the sweet peanut butter and pickles. Most peanut butter in Taiwan is sweeter than I’m used to. Don’t dismiss this if you haven’t had a peanut butter burger yet. The burger adds veggies and sauce to the patty, creating a more complex flavor difficult to describe. The Salsa Pork Burger sounds like a simple combination that leads to a surprise on the first bite. The salsa doesn’t eat like a Mexican salsa, and I don’t think that’s what they were aiming for, but instead adds spices to get along well with the pork patty. I haven’t tried it all, but what I’ve had is worth going back for, and I have.
– SA
Ph. 02 2325 0499
雖然有些料理含蛋奶(PP99有特別標註),但是所有的料理都不含五辛喔! 關於素食的總類,可以看一下我們之前有介紹到的吃素主義。
本來以為這裡的素蚵仔只會用形狀和長相相近的草菇,但是他們用的是口感類似豆腐的原料扮入海苔粉增加海味然後裹上地瓜粉油炸(像熱炒店炸蚵仔那種)。淋上清爽的和風柚子醬配上烤的酥酥的漢堡包,是個很特別的組合!! 酸酸甜甜香香的。蚵仔漢堡,沒有聽過吧!
看看漢堡的橫切面,是不是真的很像肉排!! 那淡淡的粉紅色及吃起來的口感都不讓人覺得這是素菜。
甜點部分我們首度嘗試了他們的新菜單– 鐵盤系列!
這次點了 吐司布丁~ 還有法式肉桂蘋果煎餅我也好想嘗試!
用鐵盤裝著,除了好看外 保溫效果滿分! 讓你從開始吃到吃完布丁都保持溫暖鬆軟。
整道布丁我覺得最完美的吃法是– 把冰淇淋放到布丁上,跟酥酥的吐司一起沾上蔓越莓醬一起吃! 好幸福~~
雖然是“咖啡店”,這裡除了提供下午茶聊天該有的蛋糕、甜點、鬆餅、茶、咖啡外,如果想要下午就提早開始趴踢,這裡也有調酒呢!! 是不是很周到!
不管你是不是吃素,我覺得PP99是間有趣可以嘗試的餐廳~ 我覺得任何能夠把素食變成像葷食的料理都是一門藝術,讓我想要回去研究他們的食材組合,又可以好好的飽餐一頓!
-Tiffany Alexandria
Ph. 02 2325 0499
營業時間: 11:30AM~9:30PM