Similar but different than tahini, this paste has a much stronger flavor from the toasted white sesame.
What’s the difference between this Sesame Paste and Tahini?
Tahini is a paste that’s made from white sesame that wasn’t toasted, but the one we call “Ma-jiang” (麻醬, sesame sauce) in Taiwan is made with toasted white sesame seeds.
It is used in a variety of Taiwanese dishes from cucumber salad to sesame noodles (hot or cold!) I’d also tried making hummus with this paste and the result was good too!
Try smearing it on a piece of toast, dip your celery or carrot sticks in it, or share how you enjoy this recipe in the comment box below!
This paste is so easy and fast to make it is unbelievable, I like to start with raw white sesame seeds so I can control how long to toast it for. When you brown the seeds too much, the seeds become bitter. Try not to over toast the seeds.
If you’re making a large quantity, food processor is a good way to go, but mortar and pestle works just fine if you just need a small quantity, and it is fast too!
Theoretically, the sesame should contain enough oil to form a paste on its own, but food processors sometimes fail to break and release all the oil from every single seed so it may seem a bit dry. To help, add a bit of vegetable oil (any less fragrant oil, I find premade sesame oil overpowering), one table spoon at a time until it is paste-like.
Toasted White Sesame Paste
- Difficulty: Easy
Similar but different than tahini, this paste has a much stronger flavor from the toasted white sesame
- 1C Raw White Sesame Seeds
- 3T Vegetable Oil (optional)
- Toast the sesame seeds in a pan over medium heat until golden, remove from heat immediately as the sesame seeds will continue to cook for a few minutes. Let cool.
- Use the standard blade for your food processor, blend the cooled sesame seeds until oil is released and turns into a paste.
- If the paste looks crumbly and dry, add 1T of oil at a time until smooth and slightly runny
- Jar your sesame paste, keep it in the fridge
Do not over roast the sesame seeds as it will become bitter
TRY Toasted White Sesame Paste RECIPE WITH:
我喜歡自製芝麻醬,在美國大部分的芝麻醬”TAHINI”是中東菜使用的,雖然也是白芝麻做的,但是芝麻沒有炒過,香味不太一樣。 台灣大部分的芝麻醬都是使用炒過的芝麻,做麻醬麵或是涼拌小黃瓜的時候香氣更濃郁。中東雞豆泥(一種沾醬)通常使用的是生芝麻醬,但是我也有用這種炒過的芝麻醬做過,風味不減。
芝麻醬的製作其實很簡單,做起來也很快,比我出門四處尋找哪裡有賣芝麻醬快多了 而且又比較新鮮。 如果要製作大份量的話,有食物調理機很方便,但是如果只要用一點點我喜歡用石臼磨。芝麻不像其他堅果需要比較長的時間,手工自己磨也滿快的,而且我覺得很好玩,可以順便發洩一下情緒及壓力,很療愈!
- Difficulty: 超簡單
- 1杯 生芝麻
- 3T 植物油 (可略)
- 芝麻中火炒到微金黃色,立刻關火,放涼
- 用食物調理機或是石臼將芝麻打碎,到看起來像醬得程度
- 如果麻醬看起來太乾,一次加一點點油繼續磨直到麻將可以流動的程度
- 裝到罐子裡放冰箱